Wednesday, June 29, 2022

CURATOR SERIES - Shanade Bernard


Who is Ms. Bernard?

Shanade Bernard is a daughter, a mother, a teacher, a role model, a NCAA referee and WOMEN that hails from Queens, NY.  #THEEND 


Being that it is 2022- we are coming up on the 50th anniversary of Title IX. Can you breakdown the importance of this ground breaking ruling and how it has shaped the landscape of athletics today? Also, in your opinion, has this 50 year old law altered the career path of many within under-represented society sects in particular those who are now in the coaching, refereeing, athletic administration fields? If so, how so?.


As we fastly approach the anniversary of Title IX we must pay homage to this ground breaking law that has truly shaped the landscape of athletics today.  As part of the Education Law of 1972, it , as a whole, set the stage for WOMEN to be on the same “level playing field” as men in all aspects surrounding education.  Basically, this ruling allowed WOMEN to be able to receive equal opportunities as their male counterparts which has led to women involved in all levels of NCAA athletics, college administration titles and WOMEN refereeing in the NCAA tournament.  Naturally, such involvement has created WOMEN earning administrative positions in the NBA as well as refereeing opportunities throughout ALL sports! As a result, WOMEN are now looked upon as athletes, not just girls that play a sport. As a parent, teacher and college official- i would be not telling the truth if i did not admit that we, as a society, have more to do, but due to Title IX we are moving in the right direction & i am happy with the overall progress that has been made. 

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