Wednesday, September 04, 2024

11 soft skills that are crucial for student-athletes to succeed in college

1. Time Management: Balancing academics, athletics, and personal life is essential. Effective time management helps student-athletes stay organized and meet their commitments.

2. Communication: Being able to clearly express thoughts and concerns with coaches, teammates, and professors is vital. This includes both verbal and written communication skills.

3. Adaptability: College life and sports are full of unexpected changes. Being adaptable helps student-athletes adjust to new environments, coaching styles, and academic challenges.

4. Resilience: Handling setbacks, whether in academics or athletics, with a positive attitude and the ability to bounce back is key to long-term success.

5. Teamwork: Understanding how to work well with others, support teammates, and contribute to a positive team culture is essential.

6.  Self-Discipline: The ability to stay focused, maintain a strong work ethic, and avoid distractions is crucial for both athletic and academic success.

7. Leadership: Whether or not they're captains, student-athletes often find themselves in leadership roles. Being able to lead by example, inspire others, and make decisions under pressure is important.

8. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing one's emotions, as well as empathizing with others, helps in building strong relationships and handling the pressures of college life.

9. Problem-Solving: Critical thinking and the ability to find solutions to problems on and off the field are important skills that contribute to overall success.

10. Accountability: Taking responsibility for one's actions, whether in success or failure, and holding oneself to high standards is essential for personal growth and team trust.

11. Networking: Building and maintaining relationships with coaches, teammates, and others in the college community can open doors for future opportunities, both in and out of sports.

These soft skills are not only crucial for athletic success but also for thriving in the academic and social aspects of college life.

Monday, August 26, 2024


 Q. As asked by possible college player.."My goal is to play in college, but my grades are lagging behind my basketball ability will this hurt me?

A. Well, we applaud your honesty , but to answer your question, YES, (i repeat - YES) your grades will affect your playing college basketball. Keep in mind, there are many levels to college basketball (Junior College, NCAA which has three levels as well as NAIA) COULD be options. Obviously with higher grades your path is easier and being completely honest in very few cases, if you are good enough a college will "work" with you. If not an option, - perhaps reach out to prep school to “reclass” where you can “retake” some classes, but be aware governing bodies are “on that trick” so the earlier you (& family) can identify your academic challenges the better. Perhaps, attend a “juco” and earn an “associates” degree which can serve as a great “shorter term goal”. So, there are options for you.

Hopefully our latest blog entry can help you, your son/daughter, your friend and others.  Be sure to be on the look out for next blog entry.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ways to support via social media for FREE

Here are some easy and free ways for followers to support one’s social media efforts, along with brief explanations of their importance:

1. **Liking Posts**

Why it matters:

- **Increases Visibility**: Each like boosts the post’s visibility in algorithms, making it more likely to be shown to others.

- **Shows Engagement**: Indicates that the content resonates with the audience, encouraging more engagement.

**How to do it:**

- Double-tap on Instagram posts.

- Click the heart or thumbs up on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

2. **Sharing Posts**

Why it matters:

- **Broadens Reach**: Shared posts appear on the sharer’s feed, exposing your content to their followers and potentially new audiences.

- **Boosts Credibility**: Shared content often comes with an endorsement from the sharer, adding trust and credibility.

**How to do it:**

- Use the share button on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

- Share posts to stories or directly to friends on Instagram.

3. **Saving Posts**

Why it matters:

- **Signals High-Quality Content**: Saves indicate to the platform that your content is valuable, potentially improving its ranking in algorithms.

- **Increases Engagement**: Saved posts are often revisited, increasing overall engagement over time.

**How to do it:**

- Tap the bookmark icon on Instagram.

- Save posts to collections or boards on Facebook, Pinterest, etc.

4. **Commenting on Posts**

Why it matters:

- **Encourages Interaction**: Comments create conversations and boost post engagement, making it more likely to be shown to a wider audience.

- **Builds Community**: Engaging comments foster a sense of community and can lead to more loyal followers.

**How to do it:**

- Leave thoughtful comments or ask questions.

- Tag friends who might be interested.

By following these steps, you can help others grow their community at the same time continue to bring you the content you love! Thank you for your support!

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 Q. Another parent asks, "Are summer camps good?

A. Yes and No. Some camps are used as "babysitting" outlets. Whereas a few that actually teach, become "watered" down only because of the amount of campers, but the intent of the camp has teaching as it's focal point. Then there are some camps are a complete waste of time.

Camps where screaming - yelling (not teaching) actually do a disservice.  Speak to the camp directors and get beyond the rhetoric, check out their staff then research the company via their website, blog and social media outlets. We find that camps that are "sponsored" by a NBA player in which the player is active and present are good camps especially if the camp has a clear "boss".  The person in charge should be approachable and have a concise, organized, & detailed approach to teaching. Also consider the amount of time of camp.  In my opinion, camps that run for more that 3 hours can be counter productive in actually basketball development.  Many players (people) struggle with being able to focus 100% of their attention on task at hand for periods over 2 hours. Therefore, clinic / camps that operate beyond the actual attention span of the campers might hinder development.

Please find a sample of a traditional full day camp: (9am-3pm)

Warm Up: 15 minutes

Stations: 60 minutes

Games: 60 minutes

Lunch: 60 minutes

Guest Speaker: 45 minutes

Stations: 30 minutes

Games: 60 minutes

Contests: 30 minutes

So the question lies, where is the development time?

Hopefully our latest blog entry can help you, your son/daughter, your friend and others.  Be sure to be on the look out for next blog entry.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

What should a senior year timeline look like?

In a few months, once rising seniors will, in fact, be officially SENIORS. What then?


Well, we in collaboration with H2C Advising offer a few suggestions for the next graduating class as they prepare for their senior campaign.


We highlighted 4 (four) things rising seniors should do to prepare for their May/June graduation.









In addition, Judy Henriquez of H2C Advising created a “check list” that will also aid students in the process. 


Quick Check List

 Be sure to check your various emails on a daily basis.


 Clean up your social media accounts.


 Begin to identify teachers / clergy / politicians or people of interest for letters of recommendation.


 Make sure you create an account for programs like Scoir, Overgrad, Naviance as well as with the NCAA Eligibility Center.


 “Follow” all colleges / companies that you discussed with your career / college advisor.


 Create a quasi “activity” resume that might include a “bio” essay that can serve as an introduction to you as the person.


 MEMORIZE your Social Security Number and all other pertinent information. (Keep to yourself)


 Be proactive and take positive actions NOW to help you reach YOUR goals in the future. Focus on creating the building blocks aka skills needed as you face “adulthood”. Examples:  time management, organization, chores, summer assignments, email



 Enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Outrage Marketing : What is it and how are basketball trainers and social media influencers using it to build their BRAND.

In today's digital age, social media has become a key tool for individuals and businesses to promote their brand and reach a wider audience. When it comes to the sports industry, particularly basketball, trainers and influencers have utilized a unique marketing strategy - outrage marketing - to bring awareness to their brand and increase social media engagement.

Outrage marketing aka "Shock Marketing" refers to the act of deliberately provoking negative emotions in order to capture the attention of a specific target market. This concept dates back to the Howard Stern radio show of the early 1980's and now has become widely adopted by basketball trainers and influencers, who essentially use controversial statements or actions to gain attention and generate discussions around their brand. This strategy stems for the old adage, "there in no such thing as bad publicity". 

One prime example of outrage marketing in the basketball world is the Big Baller Brand, founded by LaVar Ball, father of NBA players Lonzo, LiAngelo, and LaMelo Ball. LaVar Ball was known for his brash statements and controversial antics, which created a buzz around his brand and ultimately led to their own reality show. Despite receiving backlash from the media and traditional marketing experts, the Big Baller Brand gained significant exposure and brand recognition, thanks to outrage marketing.

Additionally, many basketball trainers and influencers also use this approach on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. By sharing controversial opinions or training methods, they spark debates and discussions among followers, which ultimately leads to increased engagement and followership.

While outrage marketing can be a powerful tool for gaining visibility and traction, it's not without its risks. Controversies can backfire and lead to long term damage, alienate customers, or even provoke legal issues. Moreover, while a brand or individual may gain quick visibility, maintaining a loyal customer base or audience in the long run can be challenging.

Basically, it can be a gift as well as a curse.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Understanding NIL Deals vs. University-Sponsored Collective Deals

Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Deals

NIL deals involve individual agreements between student athletes and external entities or brands. Here, athletes leverage their personal brand, talents, and influence for endorsements, sponsorships, appearances, and social media engagements.

Key Characteristics of NIL Deals:

1. Personal Brand Empowerment: Student athletes can capitalize on their unique identities and build personal brands outside of university affiliations.

2. Direct Financial Gain: Athletes earn compensation based on their individual value, including endorsements, social media partnerships, and appearance fees.

3. Diverse Opportunities: NIL opens doors to a wide range of partnerships, from local businesses to national brands, across various industries.

Benefits for Student Athletes:

- Financial Independence: NIL deals provide athletes with income streams during their collegiate careers.

- Professional Development:*Engaging in NIL activities cultivates business acumen and networking skills.

- Expanded Exposure: Athletes gain exposure beyond sports, enhancing their marketability post-graduation.

University-Sponsored Collective Deals

These deals are structured through group licensing or sponsorship programs managed by universities or their athletic departments. They involve collective use of athletes' identities for merchandise, promotions, or sponsorships.

Key Characteristics of Collective Deals:

1. Uniform Representation: Athletes participate collectively, allowing for group-based branding and revenue generation.

2. Centralized Management: Universities coordinate and negotiate deals on behalf of athletes, streamlining partnerships.

3. Brand Synergy:** Collective agreements can enhance the visibility and prestige of university sports programs.

Benefits for Student Athletes:

-Unified Branding: Athletes benefit from joint exposure and marketing efforts, strengthening team identities.

- Simplified Process: Universities manage administrative tasks, enabling athletes to focus on their sport and academics.

- Team Recognition: Collective deals can elevate the reputation and recognition of the entire athletic program.

Comparing NIL Deals and University-Sponsored Collective Deals

1. Individual vs. Collective Approach:

   - NIL Deals:Emphasize personal branding and autonomy.

   - Collective Deals: Focus on group representation and shared benefits.

2. Financial Dynamics:

   - NIL Deals: Athletes receive compensation directly tied to their personal brand.

   - Collective Deals: Revenue is distributed among participating athletes as per collective agreements.

3. Administrative Responsibility:

   - NIL Deals: Athletes manage negotiations and partnerships independently.

   - Collective Deals: Universities handle coordination, contracts, and compliance.

4. Scope of Opportunities:

   - NIL Deals: Offer diverse, tailored opportunities reflecting athletes' interests and personas.

   - Collective Deals:Often centered around team-related promotions, merchandise, or sponsorships.


Both NIL deals and university-sponsored collective deals present distinct advantages for student athletes. NIL empowers individuals to monetize their personal brand, while collective deals foster teamwork and streamline administrative processes. Ultimately, the choice between these avenues depends on athletes' preferences, goals, and the overall landscape of collegiate athletics. As the NIL landscape evolves, athletes are poised to capitalize on these opportunities to shape their collegiate and professional journeys.