Sunday, May 29, 2016

To become a coach: It's black and white issue and a NUMBER$ Game

There is a new path to become an NBA/NCAA coach and it has very little to do with recognizing / securing talent, motivation, or even X's and O's.

Due to the influx of computers and algorithms along Star Trek methodology, the "Eye Test" is not enough any more for a player to win the NBA gig.. A large percentage of NBA teams rely on dudes who are currently active members of the the local Urban Leagues aka adult CYO leagues or are just "hacks" and NOT from the "big time" basketball programs.  Sadly, majority of people making these million dollar decisions for NBA teams would struggle with a double crossover, but they are becoming more and more important in today's games. 

This further explains a recent conversation with a sports writer where it is becoming increasing obvious that the "TALENT" is good enough to mow the lawn or even water the plants in the "big house", but the "talent"- whom the industry is built upon can never have a REAL say when it comes to the decision making process.  Today, the basketball world has changed, where "the nerds" are affecting draft positions of future NBA players.  Also, note the "scout" (probably someone who played) had "the nerd" adjust his findings based upon "the eye test", but yet the scout remains in the field.

The short term issue that I see is the amount basketball "coaching" jobs being taken by "coaches" who did not play basketball, but instead studied computer science or a major that lacks a high percentage of ethnic diversity.  However, over the long term this phenomenon is yet another layer of exclusion for "basketball guys" to advance to the big table.  Basically another opportunity to separate "the workers" and "the owners".

It sounds familiar and NOT (I repeat NOT) to say they are similar, but this blueprint has many of the same undertones as a "slave mindset" that has been so apparent in today's (yester years) sports / sneaker structure. For this argument, we will draw parallels between the current state of sports and the traditional slave plantation as depicted on TV via Roots, The Underground as well as additional readings such as "Million Dollar Slaves" and others.

The NBA owners in this case are the plantation owners and their goal is to make as much money as possible (THE END).  If a rhino could score they would a uniform on an aardvark and market him/her as such: "COME SEE "Manny the AARDVARK from beyond the ARC" against the New York Knicks. 

In doing so, they employ as many people to ensure their money goals are met. Various positions such VP this or GM of this are created to keep the "money train" flowing.  This is where "cheat codes" aka analytics or slave inventions (ie Cotton Scaper / Cotton Gin) become favorable to the owners. They like all businesses are simply looking for an advantage to increase their chances of winning or increase their plantations' (companies') productive- again owners only care about the bottom line.

To ensure owners maintain their "hold" on the talent they employ grassroots personal "to run" the talent to a certain sneaker sponsored AAU tournament circuit. At that point, the "talent" is promised the world then he/she is "swayed" to a certain prep school / college and IF he/she pans out they are again "swayed" to an agent or agency that will represent them as they pursuit their lifelong dream of playing professionally. Keep in mind; owners have agents too as well as being very friendly with agencies- as a whole.  The irony is the "talent" is usually the LAST to reap the rewards of his/her "work" and due to NCAA regulations the "talent" cannot receive any form of compensation. So, in essence he/she are the entities making money yet they are making tons of money  for others.  Yes, YES, YES they themselves will receive room & board and an opportunity for a college education which depending upon the student-ATHLETE can turn into a life after college.  Interesting.

We can go on & on about the hypocrisies that lie within the basketball world, however the facts remain - there is a massive gap between the "talent" and the owners and this gap further illustrates the "talent" is looked at as NUMBER$.  Sadly, It's a NUMBER$ GAME and "REAL" basketball players & coaches need not apply unless you can decipher an algorithm that can create an advantage for owners.


PSA announcement to the "talent" as you go through your college experience.  The play nice and stay connected with the "minion" who organized the summer camp, got your sneakers, the equipment manager, the video guy, and who arranged all the room assignments because he will become the school's next coach ahead of YOU.  If you doubt this "eye test", please Google MAJORITY of the Division I and II coaching staffs, but here is a glimpse of most staffs.

* Head Coach - Might have played on a high level, but by in large was on the team

* Assistant Coach - "Player" - Played at the school or has a name usually with a connection to "the grassroots" basketball programs

* Assistant Coach -"Old school" - He is usually in charge of the "real" coaching

* Assistant Coach - "The stats guy" - The NERD

* Assistant Coach - "The GREASER" - The fast talking almost car salesman who is knows everyone everywhere usually labeled the "THE RECRUITER"

* Director of Operations - "The stats guy in training" with a tad bit of "the GREASER" largely due to working various camps and being seen everywhere.

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