Tuesday, November 03, 2015


In today's game, there seems to be less dedication towards the defensive side of the ball.  Teams are scoring more and individual players are putting up crazy numbers very early in the year.

During the 1980's & 1990's most championship level teams understood and embraced the "Defensive wins championships" mantra. Teams like the MJ's Bulls prided themselves on preventing teams from scoring 90 points per game and although the Bad Boys of Detroit and the Pat Riley lead Knicks received most of the attention this attitude was rampant throughout the league.

As we fast forward to today's game. There three major reasons of why players (teams) are in "mid season form" so early in the season.

1)... Most teams will run a set or two, but the goal is to eventually to run a pick n roll.  The guards of today (especially those that can shoot) are trained to kill off this set.  Once the screen is set the offensive guard has two main options, but none more important than reading the opposing "big".  If the "big" stays back then guard will take a nice easy mid range jumper. If the "big" steps up the guard will be aggressive and "ISO" the big where he / she can drive, draw and dish. So, in essence largely due to the pick n roll • player A will not get the opportunity to truly defend his/her counterpart.

2)...In the NBA, many teams have taken Don Nelson's "Small Ball"  to the next level by having 3 guards, a swing forward and agile "big" on the court, but also by adding a dash of Steve Nash's Phoenix offense where shots should be taken within 7 seconds of the shot clock. This hybrid style has created a faster game which has increased teams' possessions per game to 95 which is the highest since the 93-94 season.

3)...The last yet very important reason for the scoring outbursts of late is there are NO "stoppers".  Largely due to "no touching" rules of the league there are far less players willing to "dig in".  Essentially, to truly be an effective stopper one must be physical with the offensive player however the league, a business, is more likely to $ELL a Curry shake than a Tony Allen stop.  So, if an offensive player remains aggressive over time he/she will be rewarded because the referee will be "forced" to call a "foul".  This freedom of the offensive player has even made its way the high school ranks.  It is more likely for post players who post up as if they WANT the ball will be hit with an offensive foul as opposed to the defensive player who is draped over the offensive player. 

The league (game) is different now! Gone are the Shaqs, Duckworths (RIP) and Ewings- players that were back to the basket players. Now, due to styles that have been adapted from the player's strengths teams are focused the skill and not size. Beauty and not brawn. The free flowing league has created opportunities for players to put up crazy numbers and these outbursts are becoming the norm mostly due to players placing "bigs" in a lose - lose situation, teams shooting sooner, and NO pure defensive stoppers.


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