Saturday, October 03, 2015

Has social media changed basketball development?

There was once a day when the only way to get additional basketball training was to go to the local YMCA, park or even be a part of your local team.  When walked by those establishments, it was likely to see an "old grizzled" (wo)man leading a group of kids through various drills that were meant to usually test a persons will and develop fundamental skills.

Today, however, with the use of the internet via smartphones, tablets, laptops and other multiple platforms - we find ourselves constantly bombarded with new age training methods.

The evolution of technology has created a revolution that has allowed social media to distort the true function of basketball skill development.  Through many different platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and Vine today's "old grizzled" (wo)man in the park is now a "young whipper snapper" with a HD camera and a few passwords.  Although, a few have played the sport many are social media "gurus". These "gurus", to their credit, have "mastered" the use of social media as a marketing tool almost at the expense of true basketball development.  And they are well aware that today's world thrives off of social media whether it's a 15 second video on dribbling with your feet, a tweet from a celebrity or it's fight uploaded on a website there is a good chance someone is watching and enjoying with hopes of sharing to others (ie viral).

Largely due to the ease in order to become a "trainer"- the market has become saturated, yet (overall) team play has decreased.  In a perfect world the oppose should occur.  My guess, perhaps due to individual development "trainers" players are not focused on the TEAM, but rather on using the "sizzle" drills as instructed by their "trainer". 

What has changed? Why are the Spurs championed because of the way the share the ball?  Most "experts" would agree much has changed in the game of basketball, but what is missing is the "old grizzled" (wo)man in the park.  Someone to yell, "pass the ball", someone to scold a player for dribbling too much, someone, regardless of a player's potential, to put him/ her in their place, someone who does not care about the business surrounding the business of performing on the court.  That person of high character and a staple within the community has been replaced by a social media "guru" that only cares about a "RT or a double tap".

At Team FOOTPRINTZ, we use the "old grizzled" (wo)man approach. Our drills are all steeped in FUNdamentals and related to the actual game.  Obviously, the skill sets have changed and we have "modernized" our drills to reflect the new aged player, however we first establish a strong foundation from which to grow upon.  We are not baby sitters nor are we "yes men", we have played the game that we TEACH and have no qualms correcting little "bad habits" before they become BIG "bad habits".

Although we operate camps throughout, we are at our best when able to serve a trainee on a constant basis. We are huge proponents of repetition. It is our believe quality reps  can lead to mastery & mastery of a skill can lead to domination minus the RTs and "likes".

In short, social media is a NECESSITY in today's advanced world, however it, via various platforms, should not replace the tried and true techniques of that "old grizzled" (wo)man from the park.

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