Monday, July 22, 2013

Training Internationally

DISCLAIMER - Before we begin, let's be honest - the focus of this blog entry is not to question the ability of the trainers or the business as a whole.  Instead it is to bring to light the amount of training available to American basketball players. 

Basketball International Style

As a basketball skills training company, working exclusively in "The States", we have witnessed the explosion of basketball training.  Many "trainers" have sprouted up throughout the nation many claiming to be "best".  Some relying heavily on "sizzle" - "slick" based youtube videos whereas others use "word of mouth" techniques to spread their message.

Having traveled and trained internationally this summer, we have seen that the so-called "training explosion" has not reached the masses (worldwide).  Obviously, (direct) finances are at the root of this issue, however, from our vantage point, another major stumbling block is reaching the historically reclusive communities.  

Many soon-to-be players are "stuck" in their villages, provinces and/ or towns where the lack of first (second) rate facilities have "stunted" their development.  Far too often, a players' community is without a gym however the same communities are full of dirt (uneven) roads which adversely affects their basketball growth.  

Q1. How does a "trainer" train on a dirt road?
A1. He/She does NOT!

Q2. How does a player develop?
A2. See A1!

So basically, in our opinion, having access to a first (second) rate facility, like disposable income, is important to a player's development.  

Conversely, if a player in "the states" were to walk (sounds crazy) one-two miles in their neighborhood he/she will run into a park or gym along their travels.  Granted, the parks are empty (another blog), but the OPPORTUNITY is available.

In closing, American players have way more access to development opportunities, BUT... (to be continued)...

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