Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The 4 needed traits of a student-athlete needed to earn an opportunity for a college scholarship.

We are back with another “Elephant in the Room” segment we will discuss 4 traits that all athletes with the hopes of earning an opportunity for a college scholarship must have and they all begin with the letter D.

The first trait is determination. This means having a strong inner drive and motivation to achieve your goals, no matter what obstacles come your way. It's important to have a clear vision of your end goal and to work towards it relentlessly.

The second trait is discipline. This includes having a strict training schedule, maintaining a healthy diet, and making sacrifices for your sport. Without discipline, it's easy to become complacent and fall off track.

Next is dedication. This goes hand in hand with determination and discipline. It means being fully committed to your sport and putting in the time and effort needed to improve. This includes attending practices, games, and putting in extra work on your own.

Last but not least is drive. This refers to having a strong passion and love for your sport. Without drive, it can be difficult to stay motivated and push through the challenges that come with being an athlete.

So there you have it, determination, discipline, dedication, and drive - the 4 essential traits for any student-athlete hoping to earn a college scholarship. Keep in mind, although these 4 qualities are VERY important they do NOT supersede the ability to play as well as the various connections needed to obtain the goal.  However, they form the basis for success. In addition, possessing “The 4 D’s” will not guarantee a student-athlete scholarship but these qualities serve as a  prerequisite for turning a dream of a scholarship to become a reality.


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