Sunday, February 11, 2024

Why a "D1 ONLY" mindset is NOT smart

As high school student-athletes begin to make plans for their post-secondary education, many are faced with a tough decision - pursuing a Division One (D1) college opportunity or considering other non D1 offers. While it may seem like a simple choice to strive for the highest level of competition, it is important for these athletes to consider all their options and not overlook the potential opportunities that may lay beyond Division One.

Here are three (3) quick reasons why one should consider non D1 options. 

Firstly, it is essential to note that only a small percentage of student-athletes actually make it to a Division One team. According to the NCAA, out of all high school athletes, only about 6% will continue playing in college, and just 2% will secure a Division One spot.  This statistic alone should encourage student-athletes to widen their college search and consider offers from other divisions. (The Stats)

Secondly, attending a non D1 school can provide a more well-rounded college experience. While Division I programs may prioritize athletics, non D1 schools often offer a balance of academics, extracurricular activities, and even opportunities for leadership and community service. This can be beneficial in developing a diverse set of skills and experiences that will benefit you beyond the sports field. (Balance)

Lastly, attending a non D1 school can also offer more playing time opportunities. Division I programs are often highly competitive and may have a large roster of talented athletes, making it harder for students to secure playing time. On the other hand, non D1 schools may have less pressure and allow for more opportunities for students to showcase their skills and contribute to their team's success. (Playing Time)

In conclusion, having a single-minded approach can lead to missed opportunities that could ultimately benefit athletes in the long run. In short, not to even consider such as environment is flat out _____!

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