Sunday, January 14, 2024

What college coaches, initially, look for during the recruiting process?


College coaches consider a many factors when determining a student-athlete’s recruit ability.  In speaking with several head coaches- these 6 (six) form the basis for recruitment. 

* Physical ability. This is where, one’s height, body type, athleticism and strength all come into play.  According to recent NCAA data, the average height of a college basketball player was just under 6’5” and the most common height listed was 6’7”.

* Skill set. Coaches want to recruit student-athletes who have  mastered the “7 deadly skills”. (Ball Handling, Defense, Footwork, IQ Development, Passing, Shooting, “Tool Box” development )

* Academics. College coaches look for recruits who excel in the classroom. They know that student-athletes with a solid GPA and test scores will more likely be admitted into their university and have an easier college transition. Plus, a good GPA also tells coaches that the recruit is responsible and disciplined—traits they highly value. 

* Leadership - College coaches want to see the leadership qualities of a player. This includes how well players communicate with their teammates, how they respond to coaches, control, and leadership of the team, amongst other qualities.

* Intangibles.  Coaches of all levels value players that display a great deal of energy, effort and make “winning plays” at winning times. Whether it’s recovering a loose rebound, a “hockey assist” or setting a screen for the team’s shooter. These traits and others are needed to build a winning culture.

* Experience. This is fairly a new requirement, but with the advent of the transfer portal - college coaches are seeking older more mature players who have been “through the fire” already.

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