Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Being closely affiliated to the education field for the past 20 years, I have had the good fortune to see students of ALL levels. I have witnessed students who were on "the right track" fail whereas on the other hand, I have seen students who struggled or who were deemed "average" succeed.

When the parents of the students who have separated themselves from the rest of the pack were asked, " what changed?". The most common response was, "we - got help from a tutor or extra help from a teacher". This ideology seems so simple and the NORM in the academic world.

Despite the theory being pretty easy to grasp, then why has it yet to "catch on"? Parents of golf and tennis players for years have sought "skill instructors" in order to assist their child's athletic development. Some contend, the individual nature of golf & tennis allow this to occur, however, in essence, team sports are based upon individual match ups within a team concept. So, why are team sport participants NOT seeking extra help?

In today's world, we have some parents that are willing to SPEND money on frivolous items, but are hesitant or have NO interest in INVESTING in their son/daughter's athletic development. Ironically, theses are same parents who yearn for a college scholarship offer. As if an "average" player will through divine intervention morph into a college level player WITHOUT a tutor (skills instructor) or extra help.

In conclusion, parents and players of team sports need to invest in their future(s), because like most things in life "you get what you put into it".


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