Sunday, May 09, 2010

Team FOOTPRINTZ defeats Rack Attack @ Fireball


New York, NY – May 8, 2010

Its OFFICIAL, Team FOOTPRINTZ’ 2010 Men’s basketball season has begun. Facing Rack Attack coached by Sandy Smith of the ABA’s Jersey Express, Team FOOTPRINTZ opened their season with a wire to wire victory over their New Jersey opponents.

Sporting several new players to the league (Taliek Brown, Jomo Belfor, Antoine Agudio, Uka Agbai, Chris Lowe, and Herb Allen), Team FOOTPRINTZ jumped out to an early lead against the NJ based team. Behind Belfor and Agudio’s 3 point shooting and Agbai’s post presence, Team FOOTPRINTZ closed the 1st quarter with a double digit lead, never looked back and “coasted” to an opening game victory.

“For our first time out this year we played well at times. Luckily, we shot extremely well, but moving forward, we have to cut down on our TO’s and play with more energy particularly on the defense end to be successful” says Coach Mark Williams.

For additional information on Team FOOTPRINTZ visit, or follow us @TeamFOOTPRINTZ, or join our Facebook fan page at .

P.S. We, at Team FOOTPRINTZ Inc., would like to send out our deepest condolences to the family of Tom McDonald. Tom, an avid Team FOOTPRINTZ supporter, was a friend to many within the NYC basketball community. He, without a doubt, will be missed.

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